Introduction Blockchain is revolutionary in many ways: it’s massively scalable, completely decentralized and can be used to transfer value between parties. However, blockchains are meaningless without cryptography. In this first article of our series on the relationship between blockchain and cryptography, we’ll explore what both technologies are and how they […]

Introduction Virtual reality is here, and it’s amazing. The only problem is that the equipment you need to take advantage of this new technology can cost hundreds of dollars. If you’re looking for a way to enjoy VR without breaking the bank, then a HMD may be just what you […]

Introduction Augmented reality (AR) is the concept of using digital information and content to enhance your real life experience. It’s a relatively new technology that is changing how we interact with the world around us and it’s becoming more popular by the minute. There are many different ways for developers […]

Introduction Cloud deployment models are a way of categorizing the ways in which cloud computing can be used. Cloud deployment models can be used as a tool to help organizations determine which type of cloud solution is right for them and how they will use it. This article will cover […]

Introduction Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the Internet. It is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service […]

Introduction Blockchain technology is a decentralized, public ledger that records cryptocurrency transactions. It allows for peer-to-peer data sharing, meaning that no central entity has control over the data stored on it. A blockchain is often described as being like an online spreadsheet; however, it’s much more than that. There are […]

Introduction Real-time data processing is a critical part of the modern world. As more companies adopt cloud technology and users become more mobile, the need for real time analysis and processing is becoming critical. Cloud computing provides the opportunity to process information at scale in real time to deliver insight […]