Introduction Cryptography is the science of secret writing. It’s been around since ancient times, but only recently has it entered the public consciousness as a means to protect our privacy and security online. As we’ll see in this article, cryptography is based on two important concepts: encryption and hashing. I’ll […]

Introduction To understand why edge computing reduces latency, it’s helpful to take a look at the underlying causes of latency. Latency is simply the time it takes for data to move from one place to another. The speed of light is what limits this movement, so anything that can reduce […]

Introduction Edge computing is a term that’s being used more and more in the tech world. It refers to a new approach to networking that moves compute power and storage closer to where it’s needed most. The term ‘edge’ refers to both physical locations and the logical location of resources […]

Introduction Scalability, Elasticity and Cloud Computing are three terms that have become synonymous with the technology industry. As we enter a new era of computing, these terms have become more important than ever before. This article will take a look at what each term means, when they can be used […]

Introduction Modern businesses are finding that data analytics systems can help them make better decisions and improve their bottom line. Companies like Google and Facebook use many different types of data analysis to create targeted ads or improve their user experience, but what is edge computing? How does it work? […]

Introduction Supervised Learning is a form of Machine Learning where the data is labeled. In this case, there are two types of machine learning models: classification and regression. Supervised Learning Supervised learning is a machine learning task where the algorithm is trained on a set of examples. The algorithm learns […]